Saturday, March 17, 2007

Richardson on GLEF Advisory Board, and an Announcement of My Own...

Will Richardson just announced on his blog that he has been appointed to the George Lucas Educational Foundation National Advisory Board. Kudos to Will for another opportunity to share his vision and voice, and kudos to GLEF for a wise and inspired selection. Will's advocacy for meaningful and transformative use of technology for teaching and learning has gained great traction through his blogging, his book, and his appearances. And the GLEF has been an important resource for educational technology for many years. It's Edutopia website should be on all technology-using educators' short-list of web links to visit often. It is on mine.

And for my own announcement, I was just selected as an Apple Distinguished Educator -- an exciting opportunity and a humbling honor to join this special community of educators. Look for blog posts in July when I attend the ADE orientation institute in Monterey, California. I can't wait!