Saturday, April 21, 2007

Pay Attention (Or Be Ignored...)

You may have heard of Web 2.0 (or here), and you may have even heard of School 2.0 (or here and here), but here's a thought-provoking 8-minute video of Student 2.0:

Creator Darren Draper is Technology Curriculum Specialist in the Jordan School District in Utah and in addition to this video being posted on TeacherTube (as embedded above), it is on YouTube, and on the Jordan School District's T4 (Transforming Teaching Through Technology) site with extensive supplemental material including source materials.

This is a compelling challenge to educators and educational institutions today. How are we relating educationally to today's and tomorrow's students? Most of us are digital immigrants compared to our students, and even the youngest educators among us have been schooled themselves with mostly traditional, non-digital methods. The inertial tendancy to maintain traditional approaches can be overwhelming even if we consciously and intentional want to change and fully understand the need to change. But every attempt we make to engage our digital students with and through the media they use so pervasively is a step in the right direction.

Thanks to Karl Fisch's Fischbowl as well as a post on the ADE listserv for directing me (and now you) to what Karl calls a "conversation starter" -- be sure to keep this conversation going...

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

How (Should) Students Learn Basic Applications

Yesterday David Warlick sparked an interesting and worthwhile discussion in his 2 Cents Worth blog in his What About Computer Applications post. I recommend reading through the comments for a varied and thoughtful range of responses to David's initial question:

Are computer applications something that should be taught in a class, or something that should be learned by the students, independent of a class curriculum?

David also conducted an informal poll on his blog, but I think the discussion in the comments is far more interesting, and David posted a follow-up today concluding that some combination is probably the consensus, but he then poses the following question:

My nagging question continues to be, are all classroom teachers ready or inclined to teach word processing and spreadsheets at the same time they are responsible for teaching reading, math, social studies, or science? Is it fair to them to ask it?

That is definitely a practical consideration that must be factored in. We are currently reviewing our district's Business and Information Technology curriculum and these discussions are extremely relevant. I am encouraging our entire committee to read the discussion in David's posts.